Mahakumbh will be held in 2025 at Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh


Mahakumbh 2025 will be held at Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh in 2025.  The Maha Kumbh will begin on January 13 , 2025 from the bathing festival of Paush Poornima. After that 45 days ie on 26th February 2025 , Mahakumbh will end on Mahashivratri. This is the most important time for Hindus all over the world . On the occasion of Mahakumbh, large scale development works have already started in Prayagraj. But one more news has attracted attention, that news is Hindu Code of Conduct. 


After 351 years the Hindu Code of Conduct has been formulated. Many regulations have been made in it, from women performing yagna to marriage. The Hindu code of conduct will be announced in Mahakumbh 2025.  The Kashi Vidvat Parishad and scholars across the country have studied and brainstormed for the code of conduct for the past four years. Opinions of dignitaries across the country have been taken. This Hindu Code of Conduct prepared after that will be placed before the Dharma Parishad in the Mahakumbh to be held in 2025 and after that the work will be started to bring it to the general public. 


Mahakumbh 2025 will be special in many ways. After 351 years, the Hindu Code of Conduct will come before the country. This code of conduct has been prepared by the Kashi Vidvat Parishad. It includes many advanced ideas including eradicating caste discrimination , bad practices , giving Dalits the right to worship in temples. Also, this will try to give the youth of Hindu religion scientific information about their religion. Also in Hindu religion unnecessary spending is done in some customs it will be tried to be banned. 


For this, the Kashi Vidwat Parishad and a team of scholars from across the country have studied for four years. Shankaracharya and Mahamandaleshwar will put the final stamp on this code of conduct in the Mahakumbha held at Prayagraj .  After that, Dharmacharya will appeal to the people of the country to accept this new Hindu code of conduct. The Kashi Vidvat Parishad has explained that the purpose behind creating this code of conduct is to unify the country and strengthen Sanatan Dharma It is also a Hindu code of conduct based on karma and duty. The Kashi Vidvat Parishad has also informed that excerpts from Srimad Bhagwat Geeta Ramayana Mahabharata and Puranas have been included in it.  


The Kashi Vidvat Parishad constituted 11 Sanghas and three sub-sanghas of 70 scholars to prepare the Hindu Code of Conduct . Each team consisted of five scholar members each from North and South.  Scholars involved in this have also taken the basis of Manusmriti Parashara Smriti and Deval Smriti to formulate Hindu Code of Conduct.


For the first time, one lakh copies of the Hindu Code of Conduct will be printed for distribution during the Maha Kumbh. After this 11 thousand copies will be distributed in every city of the country .   In this code of conduct, the same rules have been laid down for Hindus to sit and worship in the temple. It is mentioned that women are allowed to study the Vedas and perform Yagna without impurity. Day marriages are suggested instead of night marriages. Also widow remarriage system has been included. (Mahakumbh 2025)



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Every ritual has been carefully studied in the Hindu Code of Conduct. Sixteen rituals have been made easier. Food especially after the funeral has also been restricted. A minimum number of 16 has been fixed for the rites performed by the deceased . There is also a call to increase the number of young generation participating in prayer fasting , pilgrimage and religious festivals. It also calls for restrictions on certain foods and eating habits. Most importantly dress code has been set. Guidance has been given on how to wear clothes and ornaments while going to religious places.


This code of conduct prepared by the Kashi Vidvat Parishad will be presented in Mahakumbh 2025. Before that some more rituals of Hindu religion will be studied and suggested for improvement.  


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