Home Remedies for Acidity: If you are suffering from acidity, try these home remedies!

Acid reflux, commonly known as acidity, is a condition in which bile or stomach acid backs up into your esophagus and irritates it.

 reflux, commonly  known as acidity  , is a condition in which bile or stomach acid backs up into your esophagus and irritates it. Acidity is a common problem that many people suffer from. Although there are acidity medicines available in the market to treat acidity immediately, you can try home remedies or Ayurvedic remedies for acidity to get rid of this problem. To get rid of acidity, many people consume fennel, some drink cold milk, but often they do not get relief, so today's article will be about what can be done at home, so if you are also suffering from the problem of acidity, then read this article till the end. (Home Remedies for Acidity ) 

*Home Remedies for Acidity*

–  Bananas are high in potassium, which creates mucus in the lining of the stomach and subsequently lowers the pH level as well. Not only this, bananas also have a good amount of fiber, which makes you feel full for a long time and prevents hunger pangs. Thus banana can help you reduce acidity as well as lose weight.

– To get immediate relief from acidity, chew cumin directly or boil 1 teaspoon of cumin in a glass of water and drink it. Drinking this gives relief from acidity. Cumin water is very beneficial in stomach problems. Black cumin is gastro protective. They are effective in reducing and preventing acidity and heartburn and relieve symptoms like heartburn, pain, nausea, bloating, constipation etc.

- If you eat jaggery when there is heat in the stomach, you will feel relief. Drink a glass of water after eating jaggery. Remember drinking less than a normal glass of water after eating jaggery can cause coughing. So eat jaggery and drink a glass of water. Stomach will cool immediately and acidity will be removed. 

–  Coconut water is considered the purest and most beneficial. Consuming coconut water cleanses your entire body. It helps the body as a cleanser and removes all the toxins from the body. Not only this, but coconut water is also high in fiber, which makes the stomach feel full for a long time. By drinking coconut water, the problem of acidity gets rid immediately. ( Home Remedies for Acidity )

– Clove is considered an effective remedy for stomach gas and acidity . To get relief from acidity and its symptoms like bloating, indigestion, nausea, gastric problems etc., cloves should be sucked in the mouth. 


Also Read: Home Remedies for Dandruff: Suffering from Dandruff? Do try these home remedies


-  If there is amla in the house , if you are suffering from acidity, you can immediately add black salt and consume amla. You will get immediate relief. If there is no amla and amla is a candy, you can also consume it. So you will get relief in 2 to 3 minutes.

- If you have frequent gas, indigestion, bloating, cumin and black salt should be consumed together. Take 1-1 teaspoon each of cumin seeds and black salt. Add both to the kadai and saute well. Now cool it and grind it in a mixer. Consume this powder with warm water. You can also take it with honey. Consume this for three to four consecutive days. Stomach problems will get rid of root.

(Disclaimer: The above article is written based on information and consult a suitable person before taking any remedy.) 

Original content is posted on https://gajawaja.in/home-remedies-for-acidity-if-you-are-suffering-from-acidity-then-try-these-home-remedies-marathi-info/


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