Do not accidentally eat these foods while eating fish


It is advised by experts not to eat dairy products, sour fruits or fried foods while eating fish. Following are some foods that should be avoided while eating fish. Let's know about it in detail...


If you are a non-vegetarian, you would definitely love to eat fish. Through fish, the body gets plenty of lean protein, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids. Getting enough of these proteins in the body can help boost immunity along with overall health. But while eating fish, one must avoid eating certain foods with it. Otherwise serious health damage may occur. (Health Care)

Eating fish is beneficial for health. But eating it with certain foods can have a bad effect on the body and cause digestive problems. The following foods should be avoided while eating fish.


Milk products
Do not eat milk, curd or any milk products while eating fish. This can lead to digestive problems. The combination of milk products and fish can cause digestive disturbances.


Sour Fruits
Eating fish and sour fruits can be harmful to health. Sour fruits contain acid that works against the body's protein when eating fish. For this reason, health can be damaged.


Processed and fried foods
More processed and fried foods should be avoided while eating fish. Due to this, the body does not get the nutrients from fish. Fried foods are high in trans fats, which can be dangerous for heart health. (Health Care)

Beans and Peanuts
Beans and peanuts should not be accidentally eaten while eating fish. Beans are high in a complex sugar called raffinose, which is difficult for the body to digest. Beans are also rich in fiber. But consuming too much fiber can cause stomach gas problem. Eating beans and nuts while eating fish can lead to bloating.


Starchy foods
Fish should never be eaten with starchy foods such as potatoes or pasta. This leads to excessive accumulation of calories and carbohydrates in the body and affects digestion.


Spicy foods
Avoid eating fish with spicy foods. This can cause gastrointestinal problems and bloating.


(Note : The information and suggestions in this article are based on general information. '' does not endorse the same. Consult a doctor, physician or specialist before relying on it.)

Also Read- Heating honey can be dangerous for health

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